It is very common to hear about eye injuries in the workplace. The American Optometric Association along with NIOSH says that thousands of American workers have suffered eye injuries daily. Whether it is a cut in the eye or damaged cornea, or something even more severe, these injuries cause loss of livelihood as well as permanent loss of vision. This is why it makes sense to wear prescription safety glasses. These items of eyewear are a vital measure that can help safeguard your vision.

Danger to the Eyes

If you are a professional working in an industry where there is a danger to the eyes, then you can ill afford not to wear proper protective eyewear. Your eyes can easily be damaged or inured and so it makes sense to protect them to the fullest. Whether it is a hot splash of some chemical or whether your eyes are being exposed to infrared radiation or flying sawdust, you need to ensure that you do not leave your eyes unprotected under such circumstances.

It makes sense to choose your eyewear very carefully. You need to explore and buy your glasses very carefully though many people are ignorant and so, choose the wrong pair. Here is how you can buy the right pair of prescription safety glasses.

Designed for Your Environment and Work

Start by making sure that you are buying a pair that is designed for the type of environment and work you do. Most eye injuries occur when you are working and each workplace has its own set of jobs and the lighting conditions there are also sure to be very unique. You need to look at these two factors before choosing your protective eyewear. If you do not, then you can pick a pair that underperforms and which does not fully serve its purpose.

Every Job is Unique

Each job has to be performed uniquely. Whether your job entails your working in the field or indoors, you need to pick your eyewear very carefully. When working on the fields, you need to pick something that has a grey base. If you work indoors, then you need to pick a pair that has a copper or amber or even a brown base. The more particular you are about choosing the right prescription safety glasses, the less will be the strain on your eyes and at the same time, it will also help boost your performance.

Polarized Lenses

A second consideration that you need to look at is that you should opt for a pair that has polarized lenses. These types of lenses are chemically treated to block sunlight. However, if you are working indoors and you need to look at an LCD screen, then you should not go with polarized lenses.

Pick the Right Frame

Third, you need to make sure you are picking the right frame. If you choose the wrong type of frame, it will take a heavy toll on your eyes. So, when choosing the frame, make sure that it suits the type of work you have to perform. There are many kinds of safety frames. Pick the traditional type if you want to protect your eyes from particles. The wraparound type is sleeker and it is designed to cover the middle as well as sides of your eyes. These types of frames are very safe and will offer very good protection for your eyes.

A Good Fit

When choosing your prescription safety glasses, you also need to ensure that they fit your face perfectly. Your anatomy is unique and so there is no one size fits all solution. If your head is broad, then you need something entirely different than if your head is narrow. Keep in mind that loose-fitting eyewear can easily slip off your nose and cause much discomfort. The right thing to do is to pick a pair that fits your face perfectly as then it not only protects your eyes but also it will prove to be comfortable to work with.

Common Mistakes

A common mistake made when choosing your prescription safety glasses is that you end up choosing something that does not comply with the ANSI Z87.1 standard. There are many different kinds of protective eyewear available online but not all comply with this standard. If you choose one that does not comply with this standard you won’t be able to fully protect your eyes and nor will you be able to perform at peak levels?

Last but not least, when choosing your prescription safety glasses, remember to pick something aesthetic as well as comfortable. This is especially important if you have to work long hours.